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intro to computer science

Computer science impacts peoples lives and the world all around us. With computer science, you can fix problems, express yourself, build something from an idea, help people, and much more.


​Computer science is about problem solving-- collaborative problem solving leveraging the work others have done in the past. It can be used to solve small problems, like finding the fastest way to school, or big problems, like how to mitigate the effects of climate change. 
At its simplest, a computer functions by means of an electrical current. The power is either on or off. Computers use binary, meaning two, to represent the electrical state on (1) or off (0).

collect info

Use the following resources to explore the basic ideas about how computers work. As you learn, think about what you might design using computer science.

brainstorm ideas

With some tinkering combined with the programming concepts you've learned, it's possible to create something great. What problem would you like to address with computer science? Consider your level of the programming experience and your preferred IDE.


When designing your computer program, use the iterative process.
1. Design a prototype
Create a quick illustrated flowchart of your design. Refer to specific programming languages as needed. Using your knowledge of electrical current, specifically power and resistance, create your prototype to model the experience you want users to have.
2. Build  

Gather the necessary code blocks and libraries, along with your illustrated flowchart, and build a prototype of your program. Test your circuit, evaluate what occurred, fix the prototype. Retest and reevaluate what occurred many times until the circuit functions consistently according to your intentions.
3. Analyze your prototype  

Test your prototype. Does it work? If not, determine where the problem is. Make changes and re-test.

final design

Does your design solve the original problem?

“Programming is more than an important practical art. It is also a gigantic undertaking in the foundations of knowledge"  -Grace Hopper

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